Saturday, December 22, 2012

Early Christmas Eve 2012

 We got Taylor this weekend cuz we are going to Madi's for Christmas. . her she is enjoying an early Christmas Eve with her dad. . and showing some of her gifts. . .

Tay and papa with her own book of photos by Picaboo. . .she was really pleased with it!  We started a Christmas Jar this year, and after praying about who should have it, we all decided on Kasey. . she was soooo pleased and excited. The book by Jason Wright tells the story about how the Christmas Jar tradition works.

 Pics with guests to our Open House. . not too many came, by we had fun with those who did!! Luell had lunch with us and came by, but I forgot to get a pic of her! Tay and Sue, and GM Ida and she and me, and Pinky and April and Logan!! AND not to forget, THE ELDERS. . Tayders LOVES the missionaries!

                                                      MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

Friday, December 21, 2012

More December Posts

                                          Girls with Santa hats. . Rilee and papa and Taylor

 Pinky had a birthday, so we had a party. . lunch at Icwaka..or something of that nature. . here she is with her fried ice cream ..and the lovely birthday hat! Luell, Kathy, Donna, Vonnie, Sherry and I round out the guests.

 Taylor and her two Lily friends made the front page of the local paper. . and GM Ida smiled for me, finally!!

 Our early Christmas weekend started off with a trip for Steve and Taylor to see Santa's reindeer. . then we made truffels and since its "Christmas Eve" for the early ones, she open a gift from papa. . earrings that he picked out. . BUGS!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 2012 So Far

                           Getting a tree and Sunday morning with Taylor and Danny and me...

 Winter Concerts with band and choirs. . We had Nick in stage band, Derrik in concert band, Preston and Danielle and Brandy in one Choir and Sheylynn and brandy in the other one.

                                                                 My tree all dolled up!

                      I love TBell cause they put our names on our tickets...its all so personal...hehe!!!

                                    The Nutcracker. . Kennedy and Lauren in this performance.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

End of November, Start of December

                                                Lunch at La Costa in North Bend. .

                               GM Ida gets a new heater from we children. . and dinner at DQ

 My new dress and us at church last Sunday, the last day of the Creche Festival. . here are some of our favs.

                          My new friend Sherry designed, made and fired this set..way to go girl!!!

 Siuslaw girls varsity basketball, Jess plays, and Sheylynn cheers and Derrik is in pep band. . fun night.

 Steven and I went to visit Jackie and Rilee tonight. . she is 6 months old already. . mercy! Cute baby..