On Wednesday I got a call from Tay's mom asking me if I could pick her up at school on
my lunch break. . she was having tummy pains and wanted to go home. Terry
could watch her if i could get her there. .so I did.
We talked in the car for a bit and she was clearing in a lot of pain,
so we got permission to take her to the doc and went there instead.
We saw the doc, she wanted to rule out appendicitis, so she had an ultra
sound ordered. . we went, they did, she didnt..back to doc. .
ruled it out and sent us home with orders to call back tomorrow
if not better. I went to work, dad took over, and tay had lunch and
a trip to the bathroom, and WOW, she was feeling much better!! hehhe
I think it was a gas bubble. . and they HURT. . she's all
better and who knew we could get it all squeezed into a 2hr lunch!
SOOO on to this weekend. .I had free tickets to the
Oregon Coast Aquarium and lunch for Mo's so we schedule the first
sunny day to go. . and it was today!! 70 degrees on the coast is
nothing to not take advantage of!!
We left for Newport at 10 am after Steven took care of a tree job
for a friend of a friend.
Here's Tay as we get ready to go on a sea adventure!!

Taylor wanted her ears pierced again, but they needed moms permission,
so it want going to happen. Steven suggested trying my posts in her
ears to see if they were still open and HAAAA, they were!!
She was SOOOOOOO excited and we ended up getting a pair of
minnie mouse studs for her. .
they we had dinner at Mo's and it was a close to a great day. .
the huge ships in the background, are NOAA research boats stationed in
Newport. . the city got the contract and its a pretty inpressive thing to see

This is the view from
Izzy's where we had lunch after the Aquarium, before the Outlet mall and WalMart
and dinner at MO's !!! r r r