This is how you move things from upstairs without having to carry it all downstairs!! Ha, we are consolidating at work, so editorial is moving downstairs with reception/circulation. So this is Alicia and Jay
getting it all figured out. . and NO, I din't walk uner the raised pallet!!

And this is Craig Tanner...AKA Elder Tanner from a year ago in the mission field. He was in town and wanted to get together with folks to see and say Hi ! We went to dinner and chatted. . it was fun to see Elder Tanner again.

Taylor came over after that night and we went Grocery Outlet shopping while papa was at his meeting.
Then she and we watched Glee and then she went home. .

Working on the family room..it needed a face lift. . so primer and a new surface on the ceiling were in order.
Nice mess, eh????