Saturday, July 21, 2012

Make A Difference Day

 Christen from Brookings. .

 Taylor and GM Lyn and pinky and Lyn

 18th pocket park. . remember all the bike rides from 10th st and all the farther we could get was here??
Girls and Aunt Debby?? hehe  Big change huh?

 We were set up to feed 600, didnt come close, but we had fun!!  Here's the new Stake Pres. Tersigni and Pres. Mitchell. . they were in charge of the hot dog fixings. .

 Libby and Vonnie and some of the youth and the rest of everyone. . .

YW and Make A Difference Day

 Stake Youth Dance was held in Florence in conjunction with Make A Difference Day and was at the Anderson's.

New News CROW and Taylor

 Taylor attended a two week singing camp, called C.R.O.W.  Children's Repetor of Oregon Workshop
and this was their final presentation. . she had a solo even!! She did an amazing job!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Making A Pig Perfect Pork Roast

 Dig a firepit, line with river rocks, layer next with white brickettes, add your dutch oven (with roast wrapped in tinfoil) cover with more brickettes and all around the edges, and on top...then add coals from a fire that you had made earlier. . cover the whole thing with these coals and then cover that with a piece of tinfiol and then cover ALL OF THAT with dirt!!  Wait 6 hours and dig it up and eat it. . yum yum. . on hoagie rolls topped with cold slaw. . .oh yeah baby!!!

Girls Camp 2012. . The Food