Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

We FINALLY got to see Taylor for a bit this afternoon, its been weeks since we have gotten to see her. She played with her Lil Pets. . .
and ate a pear. . .

counted the pennies in the piggy bank with papa,
(she was doing it on her own but he couldnt stand that!! ha)

She has newly pierced ears. . we visited with Sue and Steve
and Tay showed off her burping ability. . Madi, the girl will make you proud
with her talent!! hahaha

Took a minute to enjoy the "park"

and then posed for me for a few.

We watched "Space Camp" and ate chicken and Good and Plentys,
me more GAPs than chicken, but it was all good. HA

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Preparing For Our 9/12 Rally

This afternoon, Pinky and Steve had Sue and Steve and Steven and I
over to make signs, eat beans and watch Glenn Beck's conversion story.
What a grand time we had!!! The sign making time was silly and serious, it went back and forth between the two!! We did reseach to see what to put on our signs, and we cut and taped and laughed. We were glad to be in the company of others who are as passionate as we are about this country, its future and how wonderful it is to be an American. Steven and Steve


Is it really about health care, or just the Gov./this administration wanting to CONTROL the country?????

We had a ball!!

Steve and Steve

Sue and Pinky

Our group

Ready or not, HERE WE COME!!!!!

Later, after the signs were finished, we watched "Glenn Beck, An Unlikely Mormon"
His conversion story. . .it is incredible!! He is sooo funny, and a great story teller, and shares
his finding the church and the Savior in a way that only Glenn Beck could do.
You need to watch it. . .

Friday Night Ice Cream Social

Steven took me out to dinner and a movie tonight, beans at the Bell
and "Testiments the Movie" at church!! He even threw in ice cream
as a bonus. . . what a date planner!! HA
Bill, Ann and Janie
Joah and Michaela

Emily and her friend

Tammy and Jessica

The rest of the party

The Elders

Baby Caleb

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Girls Night Out

Kim had a jewerly party. . Sue and I went!

Maren, Ann, Erin

Erin , Diane and a friend of Kim's



and more bling!!
AND, this is a dog! A puppy actually. . .really! Its a dog ( that Ryen holding her)

And so is this! His name is Pepe.. and he was really pretty sweet.
He was just sooooo little and little!

Family Home Evening With The Wheritys

Baby Merid
Chris and Fi

Hello Kitty BINGO


The Wheritys, Maryann and Chris, Fionna, Merid, Izzy and Simon
We surprised them with a FHE and they surprised us with dinner!!
We learned about hair and that we are children of Heavenly Father.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Primary's Title Of Liberty

Florence Ward Primary ( and a couple of visitors)

Stand For What You Believe

"If you love your country, but think that the government
is out of control, then come on , follow me!!" That a standard one liner
from Glenn Beck, and so we are standing up, and following with others
who believe it too!! Another rally in Coos Bay this time, letting
folks know that we love this country but want LESS not MORE government
NO to GOV. health care take over!

This lady was from Bandon, and we had a nice time chatting with her. .
come to find out she knows our cousin Sheryl Lynn! Small world.

Sue's Steve and my Steve's first rally. . .

Signing petitions to stop tax increases in Oregon

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So the other night TCM carried a few hours of old Elvis movies, and YES, I got sucked into watching bits and pieces of some and all of one!! Dang! I was up till 1:00am watching cheesy, dumb old Elvis movies. . loving it! HA!! I saw part of "It Happened At The World's Fair" ( I flip back and forth between other channels. . watching Fox News and DIY. . so I'd get songs mostly. . but thats the best part!) I saw a little of "King Creole", which I havent seen the whole thing ever, and still haven't. "GI Blues" was next and I saw more than less of it, I loved the songs from this one. . and then because I'm not smart enought to go to bed at 11:00, I sat and watched "Roustabout". This one has fun tunes too, but its pretty typically Elvis and Hal Wallis. . when I was 11 in 1964, they were the BOMB. . so romantic and wonderful to watch. HA!! But what I saw then and I saw the other night thats still the same, was the joy that Elvis had on his face when he was singing and preforming. . that smile and attitude that made him Elvis. I found myself smiling and singing and thinking that there will always be a place for Elvis in my entertainment agenda.