Thursday, August 13, 2009

Town Hall Meeting With Rep.Peter DeFazio

After the rude comments made by DeFazio in yesterdays Register Guard,
((""We are Oregonians, not those people on Fox News" referring to bad behavior of the ANGRY MOBS. . AKA, Americans!!!!!! You and me, we are the crazy, angry folks according to the media and DeFazio. . .I think NOT!!""))
we were a bit offended, and deceided to let others know where WE stood on that issue . .
so FOX NEWS ROCKS was Sue's idea. . and we ran with it.
We had a number of thumbs up, a lot of people stop and tell us they agreed. .
what a door opener to converation.
Even later at dinner, we had folks come up and tell us they were in the same ball park as us!!

With just an offhand head count, I summed up 600+ in this crowd.

Most of the crowd was well behaved, but a few felt a need to shout and make
dumb remarks. .

Those against the wall with the signs, I think were the plants for the bill, with
their premade signs. . the ones that can get paid to attend and rally for the administration.

Sue, Pinky and Steve

Steve and me. . . FOX NEWS ROCKS!!!

That DeFazio there in the front. . .he was on about a few things, but I can't understand why he would vote against Cap and trade, and vote against the stimulis bill BUT not vote against this bill, that will surely
cost us $$$ and good quality health care.

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