So the other night TCM carried a few hours of old Elvis movies, and YES, I got sucked into watching bits and pieces of some and all of one!! Dang! I was up till 1:00am watching cheesy, dumb old Elvis movies. . loving it! HA!! I saw part of "It Happened At The World's Fair" ( I flip back and forth between other channels. . watching Fox News and DIY. . so I'd get songs mostly. . but thats the best part!) I saw a little of "King Creole", which I havent seen the whole thing ever, and still haven't. "GI Blues" was next and I saw more than less of it, I loved the songs from this one. . and then because I'm not smart enought to go to bed at 11:00, I sat and watched "Roustabout". This one has fun tunes too, but its pretty typically Elvis and Hal Wallis. . when I was 11 in 1964, they were the BOMB. . so romantic and wonderful to watch. HA!! But what I saw then and I saw the other night thats still the same, was the joy that Elvis had on his face when he was singing and preforming. . that smile and attitude that made him Elvis. I found myself smiling and singing and thinking that there will always be a place for Elvis in my entertainment agenda.

1 comment:
Tom is SOOOO jealous of your Elvis marathon. If you find any cheap elvis movies, send 'em over! Better yet, record some on VHS and send it to him. You'd make his day!
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