Who knew that a broken latch was going to be such a big deal! AH!! I called Eugene this morning and Josh said I could get in at 100. That means leaving here at 1130( there is a TON of road construction going on) so I had to get off work early. We made it with a minute to spare, and were given a lift to Valley River. . Mazda has moved their dealership down the road a ways. . about 1/4 a mile from VRC. GM Ida heard FOUR miles and when Josh asked if we needed a lift, she replied" "Im not walking!!" We didnt know till AFTER we were heading back that she had heard wrong! HA. . .so after having lunch and GM buying Sue and I each a new bra, a trip to Gymboree to get Brooke her gift, we started walking. Our transporter called and picked us up over by Pennys tire center. . so it wasnt much of a walk. But it was all good. My car has to spend the night to get the part in the morning to get better. . .so this is the loaner/rental ( its costing me 30.00 to use it!) Its a Mazda3. . .stick...not too shabby to drive. Josh asked me if I could drive a stick, I wonder what he would have said if I had said no..its the only loaner they had at the time.. . .mmmmm?? He said that they couldnt send us home with the door tied shut in good conscience. . . HAHAHAH, we drove that way all the way from Seattle...BUT its raining now, so Im thankful tha he worked this deal out for us. SOOOOO, tomorrow after work, I have to go back to get my car. Another day, another adventure!
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
5 months ago