Sunday, October 4, 2009

General Conference Sunday. . And A Little Fresh Air

Steve found Taylor a new friend to see after conference. . Sneeky! Yep, its a baby snake!

She loved it!!

She and her dad bonding over the snake!

Snacks and GM ida and Conference. .

Playdough ice cream. . mmmm!

Writing names in Tay's family. . .

Taking a walk. . and a ride. . .

A little climb. .

Can I pick one GM???

It will make a great flag!!

and it did!


Bethany said...

Is that FOOD i see in the family room?????? Looks like a fun time at Conference!

More of Mom's Special Moments said...

OOO busted!! Apples and pretzles. . .and playdough ice cream!! ha