we can't come to the phone right now, we're up to our eyes and elbows in babies!! Please leave a message and we'll return your call when we get a free minute. .(snickers heard here)" . Someone in the ward asked me to update my phone message cuz its a strange man's voice and doesn't tell you whose home you have called. HMMM??? My number. . my house? Whatever. . so I'm thinking this one will be good, if I can find the time to do it! Ha. . I have a few pics to post. . that may happen tonight. .
We've been sick at our house, and it just keeps recycling from babies to adults and back again. . the little ones are a little better, now all of us big people are with something that involves coughing! BAH!!
But life is still wonderful. . we are blessed with little spirits in our home that make each day something special. Daily new thoughts and new ideas. . new messes and a re-newed love for them!
How to Create Faux Reclaimed Wood Countertops
5 months ago
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