Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Trip Thru Oregon On A Saturday. . .

A train near Halsey

Portland Temple

Steven and I

Albany paper mill

Downtown Albany

Outside of Corvallis

On the way to the hospital to see GM Mavis. . strawberries!

A Winery


Good Samaritan Hospital

Steven and his mom

Mavis went into the hospital last Sunday I think,

and she wasnt really too pleased to still be there today.

She was her old quick whitted self, she and Steven

were cracking jokes about her bowels. . .if you get the drift!

They are just alike!! HA. She had exploritory surgery and

they found nothing of concern. . they said she was doing

better today then yesterday. . so thats a good sign. Steven gave her

a blessing and she was really pleased with him.

Get well soon Mavis!!

Beehives around Monroe


Great barns

Siuslaw river at Cushman

It was a great day!

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