After church, we headed off to see Mavis. . Taylor and GM Ida came with us. She lives in Sweet Home, about two hours away. . even with the short cut. . (Tay loved that we took a short cut!) We brought our lunches and ate along the way. . looked for rainbows. . and saw quite a few actually. . talked about whats at the end of the rainbow. . sang ABC songs, and Christmas carols and talked and told jokes and just had a wonderful time.

Lunch. . mmmmm

Rainbows. .

Tree farms. .

Did u know that little trees and new
trees put off more oxygen then large OLD growth??
Now you do!!


Halsey's old grainery

Welcome to Whiley Creek Care Center

Taylor and Mavis's biggest frog. .

Me and my mom. .

Papa and Tay

Steven and I and our moms

Mavis and Tay, she was so pleased to see us all,
especially Taylor, that she just cried.

Tay with the old people

Ha, again