We had an ACN business training in the morning at our house,
then we had Taylor for most of the day, so we got our Christmas tree,
here's Tay and her friend, Cassandra ( We had a lengthy conversation
on how to not pronounce her name, its NOT Cassondra. .thats a foreign
way to say it!)

This place will deliver if needed, and they will PICK up after the fact,
I'm so pleased about that! And Doug Firs are only 15.00!!
No more tree in the back yard till we can get
a trip to where ever to dump it!
Next, it was on to the Creche Festival. . 5th Annual this year. . the little
girls loved it!!

Luell was playing with this group so we went to support her. . they were pretty good!
The girls liked this one too.

This one was Ann L's surprise birthday gift from her family. . Brian got it, set it up, and then
waited for Ann to notice it!! What a grand gesture. . it is an amazing creche. . they are
from the Krinkle series. . LOVE them!
This was Taylor eating cookies and coloring a picture of Joseph and Mary
with the baby Jesus. .

Loved this wall hanging and below is my nativity.

Luell and her group. .

Cookies and favorites. .

Then it was off to see Wren to exchange a candle. . the girls LOVED her shop, they
made me very nervous while we were in there. . but they never broke anything,
so it was all good! ha!

Then it was up to McD's to kill and hour before the movie started. .
we was Tangled. . GREAT FLICK. . Mandy Moore has such a beautiful voice.
and it was funny and we had a good time.

Good day, great company, wonderful things to do. .
another successful Saturday.