Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Few Good Times. .

me at work. .
and Sue's jewelry that she is selling again this weekend. .

Pinky went shopping already. .
and this print in Red Robin was too cute not to snap. .
Team Work. . ha!!

us having dinner in Eugene while Christmas shopping. .

Wed. night was a service evening. . the guys delivered furniture from the Bishops
storehouse. . Steven and Steve Latham went. .
and this is Brother Warner.

the guys and their trailers. .

and the YW/YM went caroling to the retirement homes. .
Shorewood and Spruce Point and the Regency. .the residents LOVED in
and the youth had a grand time

Janessa saw this hanging and said. . "wow they did a pic of me
when I was little, how nice of them!" too funny. .

Our YW Presidency. . Lyn, Pinky and Kami. . it was Pinkys BD today,
we sang to her and we had lunch together and she got gifts and cupcakes
and it was a lovely day, she said!!

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