We started the day off by making a trip at GM Ida's to get our tires(the studded ones have to be off by the 1st) and to our dismay(thats a polite word for OH CRAP) the tires were gone!! Stolen from GM Ida's house.. Nice huh?? So after calling in a claim for her, we went to Les Schwab's and this was the results. They were having a sale on them, but it was still NOT a great way to start the day..DANG!!

We checked to see what was playing at the movies, and had to get pics of these silly seagulls in the parking lot of McD's!

No rain yet, hold it. . wait for it!!


Raining like crazy here today. . .too wet for even the birds!!

Dinner was a torpedeo! mmmmm Turkey pesto!